khaliun hotgo

Халиун Хотго

khali from behind at costa del sol, sitting upon a rock next to the ocean. it's a bit blurry and faded, like an old memory.

khali hotgo
21-26 xaela aether

khali tilting her head to the side, holding up a double peace sign with her hands. red geometric lines with a golden laurel accent the background behind her.



khali in her beach outfit at costa del sol, standing in the shallow water, and using a hand to shield her eyes from the sun.







khaliun hotgo

2s 2um, 1556 6ae




95 ponze


In a word, cheerful. Almost overexcited, Khali loves to chat with patrons or an interesting stranger... and drown them in questions about themselves.She places her faith in fate and intuition, following any gut-feeling. She thinks that most, if not all, connections were destined.She immediately fell in love with the sea. When possible, Khali will go swimming or sailing, or simply sunbathe by the waves. She loathes going too far inland.Khali has no qualms about doing "dirty work" and will happily cut down creatures. Her enthusiasm in these matters can be a little off-putting, since she barely reacts to blood, gore, or violence (though this seems to be a side effect of being raised in the Steppe).Khali is Chaotic Neutral.


Her signature scents are the sea breeze, Nymeia lily, and amber.Her favorite dyes are blood red, woad blue, and snow white.Her aether is a muddied swirl of red and blue. It feels heavy and obfuscated.
  Khaliun does not possess aethersight.
She is quite taken with modern, casual clothes. Khali often wears some combination of an oversized sweater and comfy socks.Khali is a Marauder and Waitress at The Drowning Wench.
  Khaliun does not possess a Warrior soul crystal.




Khaliun was born to the Hotgo tribe of the Steppe. Inspired by Mide and others like her, Khali followed in her footsteps several years afterwards, leaving her home behind to explore the rest of the world. After finding herself in Limsa Lominsa, however, she stopped searching entirely and settled down.While aware of the massacre of her tribe at the hands of the Dotharl, it doesn't appear that she was present for said event, saving herself trauma and heartbreak. She is very much resentful of the Dotharl, however.Despite her small stature, she is quite handy with an axe, and can take a severe beating before going down, perhaps due to her upbringing. As such, she found a comfortable place in the Marauders Guild. And with her extroversion and relative proximity to The Drowning Wench, a job there as a waitress was an easy match.Most days, she's working, going for a dip in the ocean, or warming herself on a seaside rock. Most nights, she's out enjoying herself with good drinks and new company. Otherwise, she's difficult to pin down. She makes a lot of fast friends, but it doesn't seem like she holds anyone close to her heart.



suzuran smiling shyly, one hand tugging at her scarf.

suzuran kintsugi

  26-31 years old
Khali's coworker. While they are only acquaintances, Khali has respect for the Warrior of Light, and always looks forward to hearing her new stories whenever they share a shift.
She thinks that Suzuran is a bit too shy, and doesn't necessarily have any interest in furthering a friendship outside of work.

non-player characters

Under construction. (Or does she just not have any friends?)


дүрд тоглох


A familiar face, Khali is an outgoing employee at The Drowning Wench, so many have been stopped by her before, or seen her engulfed in conversation with someone else. Residents or frequent visitors of Limsa Lominsa would recognize her. She runs with the Marauders Guild, but is not enlisted with the Maelstrom, nor is she interested in anything of the sort.A lover of the sea, when not at work, you can find her at the seashore, even off-season. She prefers to sunbathe when unable to swim or sail. If there is something of a nautical theme or a hint of the ocean at a venue, she will be there.A bit of a mystery, she isn't forthcoming about details of her past, though she will pry when it comes to anyone else. By this same token, she can be evasive about her specific hobbies and interests. She will admit to hunting dangerous game and the like, but if pressed further, her smile will stop reaching her eyes.


On the surface, Khali is just a fun friend, but she has a lot of dark, mature themes wrapped up in her character (cyclical abuse, violence, and murder). I am very happy exploring these themes in rp, but that is not required to play with or befriend her. Unless you specify otherwise, she will be family friendly.Khali is not a Warrior of Light, nor does she have the Echo. She's just a carefree waitress who swings an axe around sometimes. She will get along with Warriors and adventurers alike.She is hostile towards the Dotharl tribe. While she might be aggressive, I am happy to rp with you! Khali is not me.In contrast to Khali, I can be pretty shy. Please approach her if you'd like to roleplay with her!


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